
Establishished 1903

Morrisburg Curling Club
22 Ontario Street
Morrisburg  ON   K0C 1X0

Morrisburg club’s curling season wrapped up on Saturday with a very successful closing bonspiel. Twelve teams were entered in the competitive six-end games. In the early draw, Al Harriman, Paul Gunther, Sharon Van Allen and Linda Murphy won both of their games and the title. Kathy Norg, Maurice Kolff, Heather Black and Carol Dawley, who also won both matches, were a close second. In the late draw, Peter Zeran, Carolyn Beckstead, Paula Locke and Eric Johnson were the champions, winning both of their games.

 The club provided lunch and the closing banquet, which served over seventy people. We thank Greta McGann and her committee for the preparation, and for the club volunteers who cleaned up afterwards and did the dishes.

After the evening meal there was a short business meeting. Financial statements were available, featuring the club’s investments and the expenses for the year, as well as sources of income. The club executive will continue in office next year, and we thank them for a successful season.

To close out the evening, the championship finals for the senior men and for the Thursday night’s open competition were held. For the seniors, Sid Morrell’s team, skipped by Don McMillan, and including Neil Williams, Earl Jeacle and Rick Astley, emerged as champions, defeating Peter Zeran, Len Bellamy, Pete Byvelds and Larry Ware. In the competitive league, Larry Cooper, Nancy and Chris Barkley and Daryl McDonnell defeated Ian Wilson’s team. The game was tied after eight ends, but skip’s rocks in the 10th end won the match for Larry.

Once again some of our folks were in Winchester’s popular end-of-season Steak and Shrimp bonspiel. Sam Locke, Wendy and Jim Casselman and Claire Locke entered a team, and Robert Houze and John Toonders, as well as two Winchester players, had another. Robert’s team had better luck than Sam’s, winning both of their matches, and finishing high in the final standings. As usual, the food was great.

Greta McGann, with Kathy Killick, Penny Charlebois and Linda Murphy competed again in the tough Ladies’ Curling Association competition in Ottawa. They won their first three games, getting them into the top division. Their 4th match was at the Hunt Club, where they played well but lost, ending their run for the title. Well done anyway ladies.

Finally, the Little Rocks curling program is looking for some financial help, and Nevada tickets are on sale in the Seaway Valley Pharmacy in the Morrisburg Mall.

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