Register Now

 Second Session of 2024-25 Membership and League Registration is OPEN!

 Register Now


Please log into the member's area (Member Home) to complete your online Sign-Up.      Member Log in

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To register as a new member, please complete a New Member Request.  Once your request for website access is approved, you will receive an email letting you know.  Then you will be able to sign-in and complete your membership and league registration.

Note that if you are not an experienced curler, you will be required to complete our adult Learn to Curl program before you can join our leagues.

  New Member Request

Note: A unique email address is required for each person registering.

Member Login

Our Supporters

Upcoming Events

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Info


22 Ontario Street; P.O. Box 25
Morrisburg  ON   K0C 1X0
☎ 343-238-1027
✉ General Inquiries
✉ Rental Inquiries


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About our Club

The Morrisburg Curling Club was formed in 1903. The current rink was built in 1957.  This facility features 3 sheets of ice, a lounge over looking the ice, and a well equipped kitchen. Come join us for great curling with friendly people.